Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? What You Need to Know

A slice of watermelon is a healthy, refreshing, tasty snack on a sweltering summer day. The popular fruit has many health benefits, including low calories, and vital nutrients like Vitamin A, potassium, and the antioxidant lycopene, among other vitamins and minerals.

Watermelon is a healthier alternative than more sugary snacks, like ice cream, that people may otherwise choose. A common question among many pet owners is whether dogs can eat watermelon. For many pet owners, dogs are a part of family summer activities. Pet parents should know if it is okay to share pieces of watermelon with dogs as a summertime treat. In this article, we review how pet parents can feed watermelon to dogs, and safety precautions to know, which includes avoiding having your dog eat watermelon with seeds or rinds.

Is It Safe for Dogs to Have Watermelon?

Is watermelon actually safe for dogs? The answer is yes, dogs can have watermelon, but in moderation and with the supervision of their owner. Making sure these two things happen will ensure that the dog enjoys the fruit without any side effects.

Too much watermelon can upset some dogs’ stomachs and cause loose stools. The juiciness of watermelon makes it delicious but also slippery. A dog can choke on large chunks of the treat, so make sure to cut the watermelon into small pieces for them. Give a small amount to puppies or adult dogs that have never had the fruit before to make sure they can comfortably tolerate it.

Avoid Feeding Dogs Certain Parts of The Watermelon

While it is safe for dogs to eat watermelon, there are several parts of watermelon that dogs should not eat. Here are a few parts of watermelon that you should avoid feeding your dog or puppy to keep them safe.

Can dogs eat watermelon seeds?

No, dogs should not eat watermelon seeds. Before feeding your dog watermelon, remove the seeds. Seedless watermelons still contain thin, white seeds that may cause stomach upset. To ensure your dog eats watermelon safely, take the time to remove these seeds to avoid health problems with your pup.

Can dogs eat watermelon rind?

No, dogs should not eat watermelon rind. Always cut off the rind before giving the fruit to the dog. The rinds and seeds do not usually bother humans, but they can lead to intestinal blockages in dogs. Upset stomachs and diarrhea in dogs are also common when canines consume more than the red, juicy part of the fruit. To keep your dog healthy, remove the watermelon rind before feeding any watermelon.

Keep Watermelon on Hand

Watermelon provides health benefits for dogs and is a good source of hydration, particularly on hot summer days. The fruit is an effortless way to keep thirsty dogs happy if they enjoy its taste.

Watermelon can help to keep the pet hydrated on short walks or during playtime. It is also easier to carry a small amount of watermelon than a bottle and a water dish. Watermelon cannot meet all the hydration needs of any dog, so make sure the pet still has access to fresh water after their adventures.

Prepare Different Ways

When feeding watermelon to dogs, consider preparing it in different ways for your pup to eat. Dogs and watermelon work best with a little variety in the presentation. One way is to freeze the chunks beforehand or freeze pureed watermelon, and the icy snack will help keep the dog cooler. Another way is to puree and mix watermelon with a dog-safe yogurt or ice cream for a nutritional boost.

In Closing: Dogs and Watermelon

For pet owners who want to feed their dog watermelon, be sure to prepare watermelon so it’s safe for your dog to eat. This means removing seeds and rind for your dog. Feeding watermelon is a healthy and fun alternative dog treat that can be great for hot summer days. Since many dogs love the watermelon, keep the slices for humans out of their reach to prevent stolen treats. Be sure to monitor dogs when they eat watermelon to watch for an upset tummy or any choking concern. Most dogs will enjoy the fruit without any problems, and it is a healthy addition to their diet.

Other Fruits That Are Safe To Eat for Your Dog

If your dog tends to turn up its nose at a treat that’s been offered many times before, or if you simply want to add variety to their diet, you can try these fruits as well:

Remember that grapes and raisins are never fruits you should feed your dog. These have particular enzymes in them that are toxic to dogs—avoid grapes and raisins around your dog like you avoid chocolate! We have compiled a big list of all the fruits your dogs should eat here.

Dogs can eat sweet potatoes and many other vegetables instead.

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