Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?

Are Nectarines Safe for Dogs?

You’ve chosen your dog’s main food that you give them each day. Perhaps it’s dry food; maybe it’s a wet brand. Maybe it’s even a raw-food diet that you prepare yourself. Whichever you prefer (and whatever was approved by your vet), it’s good to know about other additional foods that might come across your pet’s lips.

Are nectarines safe for your dog? Could you add them to a raw-food diet, or could you offer them as a sweet treat? Let’s explore this delicious, nutritious fruit to see if it’s okay for your pup.

What Makes Nectarines Good for Dogs?

Luckily, nectarines aren’t toxic to dogs. They are safe and rich in vitamins and minerals that help your dog thrive, such as vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber.

One cool fact about dogs’ systems is that their bodies produce an adequate amount of vitamin C without needing extra in their diets. However, adding some additional nutritional oomph now and again, especially if your dog is under the weather, doesn’t hurt.

If your dog has consumed a bit of something that could be potentially harmful, too, such as garlic, onion, chocolate, or grapes, adding something that could help them process it out might prevent an adverse reaction. Check with your vet to see if they have further information on whether you should take this action just in case your pet ingests something it shouldn’t.

If you have a furry friend prone to constipation or diarrhea, then fruit high in dietary fiber could help move things along in the right direction. Furthermore, nectarines are a good source of vitamin A, which is good for eye health and lustrous skin and coat. The potassium in nectarines also helps balance a dog’s bodily fluid and supports its endocrine, nervous, and muscular systems to work properly.

Considerations When Feeding Your Dog Nectarines Nectarines aren’t toxic to dogs as some other fruits are, such as grapes and raisins. However, there are some things that you should think about before tossing a whole nectarine to your dog.

Nectarines should be cut into appropriately sized pieces for your dog’s size and breed. For example, if you have a teacup poodle, you’ll want to dice that fruit into teeny-tiny pieces to make it safe for the little barker. However, if you have a Labrador, it’s probably fine to just quarter it and put it in their bowl.

No matter the size or breed, though, you should never offer a nectarine pit to your pooch. These pits are the perfect size for choking and are also rough and serrated, which could cause severe irritation in your dog’s stomach and intestinal lining. Nectarine pits also contain small amounts of cyanide, which is poisonous. (This also goes for peaches, so keep both types of pits far away from your pup.)

Symptoms to Look Out For

If your pup has accidentally consumed rotten nectarines, too many nectarines, or nectarine pits, you can keep an eye out for certain symptoms that might need treatment.

If your pooch begins vomiting, has a decreased appetite, has an abdomen that’s swollen or painful to the touch, or is lethargic, it might be a sign that they’ve eaten something that disagreed with them. Keep a close eye on them and offer plenty of fresh water and access to a safe place to vomit or defecate. Call your vet for further instructions and ask if and when you should bring them in to be seen.

Just as with any new food, it’s smartest to start small. Offer a bite or two and watch to ensure that your dog reacts well. Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain foods! So, it’s always best to err on the side of caution.

Fresh, Canned, or Dried?

When giving your dog any fruit, choose fresh over processed. Canned or preserved nectarines are soaked in corn syrup or other sugary liquids, which will add an abundance of sugar to your dog’s diet that they don’t need. They also contain preservatives, which aren’t good for anybody.

When choosing nectarines for your doggo, always go organic if possible. Nectarines have a thin skin, which means that they absorb a high number of pesticides and chemicals if they’re sprayed while growing. Of course, in the wild, dogs don’t know or care to choose organic produce over not. However, because you know the dangers of extra chemicals, it’s best to avoid them where you can. If you can’t find organic, make sure to wash and rinse the fruit well.

You’ll want to give your pet nectarines that are still good to eat. Dogs are notorious for scarfing down many things that a person wouldn’t touch, but that doesn’t mean you want to give your precious pooch something moldy or bug-filled. Your dog could make do with a nectarine that’s a couple of days past its prime. However, if you’re apt to throw it away, that’s probably best. All rotten fruit begins producing ethanol, which is toxic, even if the fresh fruit isn’t.

What about dried nectarines? If you have a nectarine tree, for example, or you’ve come upon an abundance of this fresh summertime fruit, maybe you don’t want to let it go to waste! Could you dehydrate nectarines to give to your canine throughout the year? You could. Remember, though, that any dried fruit has a much higher sugar content than its fresh counterpart, so you’ll want to give these in smaller quantities and in moderation compared to fresh nectarines.

If your dog is diabetic or overweight, make sure to talk to your vet about anything extra you’re giving them so as not to make the situation worse. Remember that too much sugar for any dog could create weight-related problems or issues such as diabetes and tooth and gum decay.

What Other Fruits Are Good for Dogs?

Fruit is a great treat to give to dogs. It’s full of nutrition, water content, and dietary fiber—all important for a healthy digestive system and overall viability. But nectarines aren’t the only fruit that would be a good choice for your furry friend! Consider some of these other treats to add variety and spice (or rather, sweetness!) to their diet.

Remember that grapes and raisins are never fruits you should feed your dog. These have particular enzymes in them that are toxic to dogs—avoid grapes and raisins around your dog like you avoid chocolate! We have compiled a big list of all the fruits your dogs should eat here. Dogs can eat sweet potatoes and many other vegetables instead.

You love your dog so much! You want to ensure that everything you’re giving them is safe to consume and beneficial. You’ve done the right thing by researching every possible food they could eat to ensure it’s safe for your pooch.

You can feel good about trying out nectarines for your dog. Just keep these considerations in mind and keep a close eye on your furry friend to make sure that they love nectarines as much as you do.


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