Cat Tips

How to Know If Your Cat Loves You

Cats have a reputation for being aloof and less affectionate than dogs. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t love their cat parents. 

Cats can be just as affectionate as their canine counterparts. It just may be more of a challenge for us to understand our precious felines’ feelings. 

Continue reading to find out what breeds of cats are most friendly and affectionate, and what signs to look for to determine if your cat really loves you.

Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

Some cat breeds are known for being more social, friendly, and affectionate than others. This means that it might be easier to tell if your cat loves you if they are one of these breeds.

Here are some of the most common affectionate cat breeds: 

What’s so special about these cats that makes them extra cuddly? Whether it be their intelligence, their vocality, or the amount of hair on their bodies, these cat breeds all share unique traits that make them more lovey towards their humans.

Read on to see if your feline displays any of the following behaviors that are common signs of an affectionate cat.

13 Signs Your Cat Loves You 


Cat cuddling is a sure sign that your feline cares deeply for you. Cats want to cuddle for warmth, safety, and protection, so if they decide to cuddle up on you, it means they trust you!

Cats learn to cuddle in their kittenhood and carry this behavior well into adulthood. You’ll know your kitty has bonded with you when they come running to your lap for a cuddle session.


Cats lick themselves (and others) for self-grooming and to show affection. They also lick to spread their scent onto other things around them.

Your cat may like to lick you because of all the interesting tastes and smells you’ve come across during the day. Plus, cat saliva has healing properties in it, so letting your feline lick a small cut may actually help it heal faster.

It’s up to personal preference if you like your cat to lick you or not, but don’t be alarmed if they do-it’s them showing you they love you!

Slow blinks 

 Slow blinks are the equivalent of smiling in cat terms. It’s a way for them to communicate that they feel safe. 

Interestingly enough, researchers have found that if a human blinks slowly towards a cat, the cat will likely return the gesture if they have a bond with you. Cats are even more likely to approach a stranger who is slowly blinking at them.

Dilation and maintained eye contact

 Just like with slow blinks, cats’ eyes communicate a lot of meaning to humans. Usually, dilated pupils means your kitty is excited.

If your cat maintains eye contact with you, it’s typically seen as a friendly and happy sign, especially if your cat is physically very close to you.

Be careful not to scare or spook a cat that is staring at you, though, because they may react with a hiss (or even attack!)

Bringing presents

Pets love to show off their toys and other play things to their pet parents. With cats, they are particularly protective of their toys, so if they are bringing or showing off their toys to you, then that likely means they trust you.

If your kitty invites you to play with them and their toys, then that is a surefire sign that your cat loves you. Bonus points if they drop it by your feet.

If you have an outdoor kitty, don’t be alarmed if they try to bring you a dead animal as a present from outside. They see this as a trophy they’ve “caught” and want to show off their survival skills to the ones they love.

Tail movements

Cats use their tails as their main source of communication with the world. Understanding what your cat’s tail is trying to tell you will determine what mood your feline is in. Once you know what to look for in your cat’s tail, you’ll know if your cat is being affectionate or not.

A tail in an upright position generally means that your cat is happy. If it’s upright and quivering or gently swaying left and right, then they’re excited to be near their favorite person! 

Be cautious if you see your cat’s tail in an upright position with the fur sticking out and an arched back-this means they are very, very angry! Take caution around your cat, try to remove any aggressor that might be making them upset.

Context clues are needed to determine the exact message your feline is trying to communicate, so it’s generally a good idea to pair tail movement with body language.


Cat kneading is a silly behavior that makes most cat parents smile. Some people call it “making biscuits,” because your kitten’s paws rub back and forth on a soft surface, similar to how a baker kneads dough.

If your cat is kneading on you or near you, they are telling you they feel safe and comfortable. It may be a sign that your cat has imprinted on you, and that they have formed a strong bond with you.

Your kitty might knead and purr at the same time, which is the ultimate sign of love. 

Weaving between legs

Bobbing and weaving between legs is a common marking behavior by cats. Friendly cats may display this behavior as a sort of greeting or welcome, or as a way of searching for something. 

Cats and dogs differ in that cats do not know how to herd like some dogs can. However, cats are smart enough to have learned to adapt a behavior similar to herding where they weave between their human’s legs to guide them towards something they want.

If your cat is weaving between your legs, they trust and feel safe around you.

Head Bunting 

Cats have scent glands all over their furry bodies, including their forehead. Therefore, when they headbut and rub themselves against things, they are able to spread their scent, combine it with others, and learn other scents, too. 

Cats are naturally territorial creatures, so head bunting is one way they mark their territory. It’s even stronger than a cat marking with urine.

Head bunting is considered an affectionate behavior. If your cat is head bunting or rubbing against you, your cat really loves you.

Sleep Positions

Cats can show their love through their sleeping positions, too. Sleeping positions can communicate your kitty’s level of trust, safety, and love for their parents.

One of the most common sleeping positions for many animals (cats included) is curled up on their side. This position is instinctual for both wild and domesticated animals to stay warm and protect their organs should they need to react to something quickly.

You should feel lucky if you catch your kitty in a belly-up position, because it is quite the opposite of being curled up tight! This sleeping position is the ultimate surrender of protective instincts, so your kitten is communicating to you that she feels extremely safe, protected, and loved around you.

Another cats’ favorite sleeping position is called “the loaf”. This quite literally looks like a loaf of bread to a human, where the kitty is sleeping in an upright position with her paws curled under the front of her body and head tucked low. This position is usually reserved for napping, so don’t be surprised if you don’t see her in this position for long.


Cats purr to ask for something, express affection, show submission, or to relieve stress or pain. Cats don’t often purr when they’re alone, so if your feline is purring at you, it’s not something you should dismiss! 

If your cat purrs while kneading its paws, that’s their special way of telling you that you’re their family and they truly love and adore you.

Your kitten might also make a sound called a “chirrup” or “chirp,” which is another common murmur-like purring that is formed with the mouth mostly closed.

Notice their body language as they do this-you’ll likely notice bright eyes, tail swaying side-to-side, and gentle head bunting. Both purring and chirping are interpreted as happy greetings from lovey kitties.

Body direction

Cats point their bodies towards the objects of their attention, so it’s important to consider their body direction when observing them. 

If your cat is pointed directly at you with normal posture, they are feeling confident and relaxed. They’ll likely be responsive to you if you approach them while in this stance.

If your feline is in an offset position, lowering their head or shying away, then they likely feel uncertain about something or someone. Be cautious if your kitty shows this behavior, as they might not feel comfortable or safe in their environment.

Ear positioning

Lastly, a cat’s ears can tell a lot about them. Most cats’ ears point up and outward in a standard, attentive way. If you see your cat’s ears bent down but still tipped up, then they are anticipating pets and cuddles, a sure sign that they love you.

If your cat’s ears are pointed upward but tipped to the sides slightly, then they are feeling relaxed, so be sure to show them some love.

Still Can’t Tell If Your Cat Loves You?

If your feline is new to your home, it’s going to take some time for them to adjust and form a bond with you. Be sure to give them their own space in the home and a dedicated, clean feeding and bathroom area. 

A rescue cat may take more time to acclimate to a new environment and to develop a relationship with you. This doesn’t mean they don’t love you, they just need time to form trust.

Take time to learn your kitty’s quirks and behaviors and they’ll adore you in no time.

Show Your Cat You Love Them

The best way you can show your cat you love them is by taking care of their health. With a cat insurance plan through Spot Pet Insurance, you can prepare for life’s unexpected with ease. 

Pet insurance makes it easy to get coverage for routine vet visits, or even protection for accidents and illnesses. When your feline friend is taken care of, they are sure to love their pet parent fur ever and ever.

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